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RSS Feed Calendar Plugin


This plugin is initialized like so:

    feedUrl: "http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/site/RSS.aspx?DomainID=275&ModuleInstanceID=4937&PageID=4334",
    elemHeight: 750

I would like a review on the code, structure, or anything else that comes to mind. What this plugin does is take an RSS feed from JGFeed, parse the entries, then pass them into another calendar plugin which in turn builds and displays the calendar.

(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
    "use strict";
    var Calendar = {

        init: function(options, elem) {

            this.options = $.extend( {}, this.options, options );
            this.elem = $(elem);


            return this;

        options: {
            feedUrl: "",
            elemHeight: 750

        entries: [],

        getFeed: function() {
            var self = this;
            $.jGFeed(this.options.feedUrl, function (feeds) {

                if (!feeds) {
                    return false;

                $.extend(self.entries, feeds.entries);

            }, 100);

        parseEntries: function() {
            //Rename to fit plugin requirements
            for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) {
                var entry = this.entries[i];
                    entry["allDay"] = false;

                entry["url"] = entry["link"];
                delete entry["link"];

                var position = entry.title.indexOf(' - ');

                if (position === -1) {
                    //All day event
                    entry.allDay = true;
                    var space = entry.title.indexOf(" "),
                        title = entry.title.substring(space + 1),
                        firstHalf = entry.title.slice(0, space); //Start date, no time because it's all day event
                } else {
                    var firstHalf = entry.title.slice(0, position), //Start date/time
                        secondHalf = entry.title.substring(position + 3);

                    if (secondHalf.indexOf("AM") !== -1) {
                        var title = secondHalf.substring(secondHalf.indexOf("AM") + 3); //Title if has AM
                    } else {
                        var title = secondHalf.substring(secondHalf.indexOf("PM") + 3); //Title if has PM

                    secondHalf = secondHalf.slice(0, -(title.length + 1)); //End date/time

                entry["start"] = Date.parse(firstHalf);
                entry["end"] = Date.parse(secondHalf);
                entry.title = title;


        setUpCalendar: function() {
                editable:   false,
                weekends:   true,
                header: {
                    left:       'month basicDay',
                    center:     'title',
                    right:      'today prev, next'
                height:     this.options.elemHeight,
                events:     this.entries

    if ( typeof Object.create !== 'function' ) {
        Object.create = function (o) {
            function F() {}
            F.prototype = o;
            return new F();

    $.fn.ksdCalendar = function( options ) {
        if (this.length) {
            return this.each(function() {
                var myCalendar = Object.create(Calendar);
                myCalendar.init(options, this);
                $.data(this, 'ksdCalendar', myCalendar);

})( jQuery, window, document );

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